A High-Level Understanding of How to Achieve Your Targets
After companies measure their emissions and establish reduction goals, the next step is to assess how the company will achieve its reductions over time. The most common methodology for analyzing the impact and cost options is known as the marginal cost curve. To evaluate and prioritize actions such as solar water heating, HVAC energy efficiency, and lighting controls, companies need to weigh the abatement cost (the cost of an intervention that will reduce GHG emissions by one ton) versus the reduction in emissions. Other methodologies may be better for long-term planning and Net Zero scenarios.
Starting Price: $25,000
Estimated Delivery: 5 weeks
Canopy Edge Engagement Framework: Abatement Planning

- Validate footprint and operational data
- Assess historical and planned projects
- Quantify number of emissions reduction impact levers
- Prioritize emissions to reduce

- Create data visualization tool that incorporates Scope 1 and 2 impact levers (energy efficiency improvements, VPPA, etc.), corresponding emissions reductions, estimated cost and savings, over time
- Outline abatement measures

- Completed visualization tool
- PPT summary
- Executive presentation
- Plan to achieve target is finalized